Kingdom come deliverance hood
Kingdom come deliverance hood

kingdom come deliverance hood

Pebbles is the first horse you get for keeps in the game, and although you can buy way better mounts if you want to, I stuck with Pebbles the whole way a) for maximum loyalty and b) because my Henry was very cheap. The huge day one patches were, if anything, to add more historical accuracy. ‘You claim this game’s accuracy as a reason to include or exclude things you want, and yet there is magic alcohol?’ Well VideoGamer’s galaxy brain is here to tell you that actually, contrary to what you regular brain types think, everything in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is as accurate as a BBC 2 period drama, and this includes things that you might first assume are a bit silly or experience altering bugs.

kingdom come deliverance hood kingdom come deliverance hood

‘Surely this seems incompatible!’ cried the naysayers. Listen, KC:D developer Warhorse Studios got a bit of a ribbing over saying the game was really historically accurate and that’s why everyone in the game is white, and then having a save system where you drink magic schnapps (the devs are now patching in a save and exit feature so you don’t have to get tanked every time you want to turn off your console).

Kingdom come deliverance hood